(65 mins)

A 6 week journey into the traditional Yoga practice as done in India; Hatha Yoga. Although this class is suitable for all levels, this way of practicing has a way of bringing up resistance at one point or another and due to the disciplined nature of a traditional practice, surrender and acceptance are required. This cultivates resilience and presence and all these qualities are ingredients that make for loving and respecting yourself. We then can radiate this outward to others and the world.

What you can expect to gain:

Do you believe that we are more than just a physical being?
Learn the basic concepts of the Yogic energy systems and how they have a part to play in our practice but also in our lives! Gain an understanding of the chakras; what they are, how they can affect us and how to work with them. Learn about the kosher; the layers of existence as observed by Yoga philosophy and their place in physical and spiritual wellbeing.

These classes will offer you insight into the energy systems that were regarded in ancient Yoga philosophy, what they are and how we can utilise these concepts to nourish and heal ourselves through movement, sound and meditation.

You will be offered journalling points to explore and contemplate the philosophy we cover so, bring a journal and a pen!

What we will cover:

Bonus Class - 8th January 2021
As we kick off the year with this first class, what better way than to have acceptance as the entry point into our practice and this journey. Meet yourself where you are and from there move onward and upward.

Week 1 - 6th November 2021:
Opening ceremony,
Introduction to the Chakra system and the first two chakras:
Root & Sacral.

Week 2 - 13th November 2021:
Introduction to the third and fourth chakras:
Solar Plexus & Heart.

Week 3 - 20th November 2021:
Introduction to the fifth and sixth chakras:
Throat & Third Eye.

Week 4 - 27th November 2021:
Introduction to seventh and last chakra: the Crown.
Integrating our knowledge of the chakra system.

Week 5* - 4th December 2021 *this class will be at 8.00am*:
Introdruction to the Kosha system and how this system relates to our wellbeing.

Week 6 - 11th December 2021:
Integrating our understanding of Yogic energy systems into our practice and contemplating how they weave into the way we live our lives and how they can help cultivate healing.
Closing ceremony.

What you will need:

Yoga mat, a journal, cushions, a candle. If you wish to buy props I recommend visiting www.yogamatters.com.

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