(65 mins)

6 weeks of mobility and flow conditioning. We will work through mobility drills to help strengthen and release tension in the muscles whilst flowing through sequences. Some experience of Yoga necessary.

What you can expect to gain:

Strength in major joints through mobility work and conditioning.
Increased energy. Better posture and movement. Uplifted mood. Confidence and a peaceful mind.

We will work hard during these classes and be put through our paces but we will be in it together. If you want to awaken the warrior within, this class is for you.

What we will cover:

Week 1 - 2nd November 2021:
Opening ceremony.
Ashtanga Sun Salutations A & B and spinal mobility.

Week 2 - 9th November 2021:
Sun Salutations with mobility drills to strengthen shoulders and back.

Week 3 - 16th November 2021:
Conditioning and strengthening shoulders and spine for backbends and opening up through the chest.

Week 4 - 23rd November 2021:
Mobility drills to release tension and build strength in the hips and legs whilst working through Vinyasa Flow.

Week 5 - 30th November 2021:
Continuing to work through drills to strengthen and stretch the spine, shoulders and hips and the muscles involved in mobilising these joints.

Week 6 - 7th December 2021:
Integrating what we have learnt to flow effortlessly.
Closing meditation and ceremony.

What you will need:

Yoga mat, two blocks or books that you can stack, a strap (one from a robe will work perfectly). If you wish to buy props I recommend visiting

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