Online Yoga Journey
Seven weeks
Live weekly online Yoga & Meditation classes on Zoom
All-access or drop-in, you choose.

Next Yoga Journey commences:
8th March to 24th April 2022
(7 weeks)


Each class is 65 minutes with an
optional 10-minute Meditation at the end.

  • TUESDAYS 7.00pm

    7 weeks of exploring the element of Fire.
    Vinyasa Flow, Strength Conditioning, Meditation.

  • THURSDAYS 6.30pm

    7 weeks of exploring the element of Air.
    Breathwork, Meditation, Yoga Nidra.

  • SATURDAYS 9.00am

    7 weeks of exploring the element of Earth.
    Hatha Yoga, Grounding, Meditation.

  • SUNDAYS 10.00am

    7 weeks of exploring the element of Water.
    Free & Embodied Flow, Somatic Movement, Cleansing Practices.


Drop-In Class

This will give you access to one live class during the 7 week journey. If you wish to join as a one off or once a week then this is the one to purchase.
The Meditation classes are free for all to join.


All-access for 7 weeks

This will give you access to ALL live weekly classes during the 7 week journey. If during the journey you attend 4 times a week, each class will equate to £3.85, if you attend 3 times a week then it’s £5.14 per class and if you attend twice a week it’s £7.70 per class. If you wish to join twice a week or more, then this is the one to purchase.

Upcoming Yoga Journey: